1.6 Band-Broke Up CD Discography


1.6 Band-Broke Up CD Discography


From Allmusic.com

With 23 songs documenting the entire 1992-1994 recording history of N.Y.'s 1.6 Band, the aptly titled posthumous discography Broke Up is a nice package that documents an underrated hardcore force. Featuring everything from the group's initial demos to their final sessions, the group is a powerhouse of early hardcore styles reminiscent of much of the Revelation Records releases from around the same period. Singer Kevin Egen has a monstrous voice, and his style rarely shifts from straight screaming, but his vocal presence drives the music to some intense levels. The guitar lines drip with distorted metal riffs, giving an extra edge to the already brutal attack of 1.6, but the playing is actually pretty impressive in itself and makes the group sound like more than just an average hardcore act. There's even a bit of straight guitar shredding on a few tracks, which, though seemingly unnecessary, actually succeeds in adding some variety to the usual approach of constant screaming and shorter than usual track times. Broke Up is probably for hardcore enthusiasts only, but, for what it is, it is near the top of the field. The songs are consistent, the music is well recorded and energized, and there are some moments that are noticeably more creative than most of the band's peers. 1.6 Band isn't the first group mentioned when '90s hardcore comes up, but, after a few listens to this disc, it may seem like they deserve a little more credit than they've received.

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